Posted in Associate/Youth Pastor's Wife, Daily Musings, Teens

Back to the Grind

     So, I’m two cups of coffee into the day, and trying to rally myself back into the grind.  I usually welcome the return to routine after long breaks, but I’m having trouble this time.  I think it’s a sinus infection that I’ve been feeling coming on the past couple of days.  Guess I’ll have to interrupt the first day back with a little trip to the urgent care office for some meds.  Honestly, I think it’s my rebellious body’s way of putting off getting back into the workouts and clean eating.  My sweet tooth has been in overdrive the past couple of weeks and I’m gonna have to tame it again.  Think I’ll be visiting my favorite healthy websites like and to get re-motivated. 2nd man got me a dutch oven for Christmas this year.  It was exactly what I wanted.  It’s even green like the Pioneer Woman’s on the front cover of her cookbook.  I often walk around with it posing and asking if I look like her…yea I wish.  She doesn’t have maybe the healthiest recipes, but they sure are good and your family thanks you after attempting her stuff from .  Boy, I sure am plugging a lot of websites here huh?
 I’m hoping my mom reads this post because I wanted to show her the church sanctuary.  Saturday, Stacy (the head decorator) and I and some men of the church hung the new curtains for the baptistery and the banners our pastor ordered.  Our church building is only two years old and we’ve been staring at blank walls all that time.  The building is beautiful and we’re so excited to be in it.  However, when you really enjoy decorating, the blank slate can almost be overwhelming.  Stacy sewed like 24 hours straight or something on the curtains.  She’s this wonderfully confident woman.  We had a good laugh together, knowing that not everyone will like the new look.  If it were me that had done all that sewing, I would burst into tears at the first little criticism just from shear exhaustion.  That’s why she’s the head of the decorating committee, as she says it, “People don’t share their opinions with me.”  I, on the other hand, you may remember, wear the sign on my head that says, “Please criticize me.”  So, it’s all hung and decorated and I just love it.  It finally feels like home. 
     I was considering quitting this committee for a while, but just can’t.  I really do enjoy decorating at church.  I know it’s not the most spiritual of jobs, but I feel like it helps set a mood for people when they enter the church.  Just like any home, you want people to feel comfortable, welcome, and calm so they’ll stay and sit a while.  I think it’s even more important for the house of God.  So, I’m gonna stick with it.
     We had our monthly GAP (Games And Pizza) night last night after the teen service.  I love teen service nights.  We usually have one of the young men who are called into ministry do the preaching.  That or we invite a college student who is a ministerial major to come preach.  The other young men sing or usher and the young ladies sing and greet people in the foyer.  I wish I had been so bold as a teen or even encouraged to take part in the services.  It’s great training for them to take part this way.  We’ve been blessed with some really talented teens all these years either in singing or instruments.
     I think I’m getting a little bit rambling here with my topics so I’d better wrap it up.  The coffee is kicking in.  Guess that’s my cue to get back to the grind.

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